Playing RAGE is just like watching MAD MAX

Thursday 29 August 2013

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Videocard: SAPPHIRE HD 7770 1GB OC Processor: Phenom II X4 B50 Quad 3.2 Soundcard: SB X-Fi Xtreme Music Default Today, 09:31 | posts: 3,574 Make it so. I only completed it again recently actually and seem to like it more and more every time I play through it...

A steal at 5 euros if you ask me!

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(.)(.)'s Avatar Default Today, 12:24 | posts: 2,481 | Location: Logd n jst 2 change avatar Originally Posted by ramthegamer View Post i agree with u on that, i liked the game's atmosphere and graphics, but i got bored after a while, but that doesn't mean the game is bad, it would have been better if the world was more open yes.Great atmosphere and gunplay, but i found that the game was just open areas with nothing to do, so if they had made it more open world they would of had to add waaay more content to the game.

As it stands currently, the game plays out in a barren wasteland, with barren being a good description of how much content this game features.

Nice to look at though and more so when downsampling is applied.

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