do u prefer shooters with a controller or keyboard mouse?

Thursday 29 August 2013

Games, Gaming & Game-demos You can talk about the latest games here and more ..
Processor: Intel i7 3930K SB-E Mainboard: ASUS Sabertooth X79 Memory: Samsung PC1600 16 gigs Default Today, 16:49 | posts: 166 | Location: Silver Spring, MD USA Gaming is no longer taken seriously by the industry other than how to make as much money as possible; hence, the current state of affairs. Elaborate games with complex controls overwhelm today's generation of gamers. Serious games like simulations are too expensive to produce. That's why you see only a handful of genres being developed anymore and what games are produced are basically all the same. They have to be since they are now all developed for cookie-cutter consoles.


I'm so grateful I lived to see what gaming can actually be. But sadly those days are gone forever.

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Processor: Intel i7 3930K SB-E Mainboard: ASUS Sabertooth X79 Memory: Samsung PC1600 16 gigs Default Today, 18:33 | posts: 166 | Location: Silver Spring, MD USA I realize that and more. But the general trend is towards "instant gratification" type games where you start up the game and basically shoot anything that moves. Back in the day, games that had 20+ keys usually came with a keyboard overlay. You could also install voice command software and map the commands to your voice.

And let's not forget the HOTAS controls where you can map keys to the joystick and throttle. At this level, gaming is more of a serious undertaking which most people today either do not know about or aren't interested in taking that far. It was all about immersion...not just awesome graphics (which is today's answer to realism).

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